Find your workcamp

You must be:

  • A resident of Spain (except if you live in Catalonia, Valencia or the Balearic Islands, because then you are with the SCI Catalunya branch)
  • Over 18 (although there are some projects for youth and families)
  • Application Fee (€ 50) and pay the participation fee of the camp (€ 100). Read more about how to pay here.

How do I choose a camp?

Use the SCI search tool to find the type of volunteer work that best suits your interests! We recommend that you are well informed and check that the objectives and activities of volunteering meet your interests and expectations. You can always consult us directly and we will be happy to answer all your questions about any of our volunteer work.

   , ,Steps to follow


  • Go to the SCI International search tool.
  • Register for free from the “Register / Registrar” tab with your personal data and confirm your email.
  • The language for registration is English as the data will be sent directly to the international host organisation.
  • When you register, you will receive an email to activate your account. Once done, access your account by entering your new credentials and start your search for volunteer fields. ?


  • Discover all our volunteer camps.
    Filter your search using the following options: Dates (dates), Countries (countries), Topic (topic), Work Type (Work Type).
  • You can also select Options for specific cases: age, gender, language, fields that accept children, people with reduced mobility, etc.


  • Select in order of preference (up to) six volunteer fields. We manage your request in order of preference until you find a place available. The more volunteer fields you select, the more likely you are to find a free place.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not request a camp that you are not interested in just to fill it in.
  • The camps with the red button require the Formación Norte-Sur (North-South) Training to participate. Asia, Africa and Latin America are destinations that require this compulsory training.
  • To receive more information about the training send an email to
  • Attach a Motivation letter in the requested language (usually English) in Word format. We recommend that the cover letter or motivation letter have a generic part with your presentation and a specific part for each volunteer camp in which you want to participate. The cover letter is very important for you to be selected in the field of volunteering, since for each project there are many applicants and the host organisation has to choose among the volunteer candidates.


  • IMPORTANT: Until we have all the documents we cannot begin to process your request. The participation fee in a volunteer field of the International Civil Service is € 150.
  • The beneficiary of the payment will be Service Civil International
  • IBAN GR2501101550000015529613422, BIC/Swift ETHNGRAA
  • IMPORTANT: don’t forget to put your name in the reference when you pay; if not, we will not be able to verify that the payment is yours. Once you have made the payment, send us the receipt along with a copy of the DNI or NIE (on both sides) by email ( Más detalles sobre el pago haciendo click en Protocolo de pago y devolución.


  • Once we receive all the documentation and you have selected the volunteer fields in which you want to participate, we will request a place in the first field that you have selected. The management time for each field is usually two weeks, although in many cases it takes less time. We will keep you updated if you are missing any additional requirements.
  • In case there is no place in your first field, we will notify you via email and we will automatically request a place in the second, and so on. Please check the email frequently to facilitate communication.
  • In case you do not find a place in your volunteer field options, we will contact you and guide you about the available places or last minute projects.


  • Once you find a place in a volunteer field, we will inform you via email where you have the accepted place.
    IMPORTANT: You have to respond to that information saying that you confirm your place within three days. (Otherwise, the host organisation may offer that place to another volunteer).
  • Volunteer Kit: When you confirm your participation in the volunteer field we will send you the Volunteer Kit (information about the International Civil Service insurance with which you will be insured, practical advice, etc).
  • Route: One month before the start of the volunteer camp, the roadmap will be sent to you. The roadmap will give more information about the field, contact of the host organisation and details of the trip and the project, among others.
  • IMPORTANT: Remember that travel preparation and costs, extra insurance management, etc. they run on your own.

If you have any more doubts, contact us.